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379 Crisis in Southeast Asia: Humanitarian and Political Aspects Can't be Separated

Canada DFAIT (1979). [Statements and Speeches 79/12] Crisis in Southeast Asia: Humanitarian and Political Aspects Can't be Separated. Delivered in Geneva, July 20, 1979. Available at: this link (Accessed 2019-05-04)

Subjects (Group/Subheading): Migration and Resettlement/Government policy and actions

One liner: Canada takes a shot at Vietnam in Geneva

Keywords: Event: Geneva Conference 1979

Date Published: 1979-07-20   Acquired: 2019-05-04

Source (Type/Source/Notes): Government / GAC Digital Library / Speech at the Geneva conference

Collection: 572 Global Affairs Canada Digital Library

Author: MacDonald, Flora


The Clark government's first public speech on the topic, two days after they had announced the target of 50,000 refugees for Canada (from then until the end of 1980, i.e. one and a half years). They had been in power for 6 weeks at this point, but the speech is largely a promotional piece for all that Canada has done for refugees.

The title of the speech is a direct shot at Vietnam, who attended on the condition that the conference discuss only "humanitarian" aspects of the refugee problem, not the "political" ones.

She is determined that 'blame' for the present crisis be assigned to the countries of origin as human rights violations by those countries. UNHCR wanted to discuss solving the problem of the countries of first asylum.

All 1 quotations (new page)

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380 Notes for a speech by Flora Macdonand to the United Nations Conference of Refugees

Vietnam's sensitivities: 377 Geneva Conference on Refugees Faces Divisions


[Cite] Community: Canada and the boat people crisis

Item last updated: 2021-11-29

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