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280 BC Legislature hosts Senator Ngo

BC Debates. (2018-04-25). Routine Business: Introductions by Members and Statements: Journey to Freedom Day and Vietnamese Canadians.. p. 4211 ans . pp. 4212-13. Available at: this link (Accessed 2018-05-03).

Subjects (Group/Subheading): Canadian Politics (current)/Government negationism - JFD

One liner: JFD comes to the BC legislative assembly

Keywords: Event: Journey to Freedom Day, Person: Senator Ngo

Date Published: 2018-04-25   Acquired: 2018-05-03

Source (Type/Source/Notes): Government / BC Hansard [Canadian] / pp. 4211-4213

Trust: - - -


Note that there is one introduction and two statements by members: The introductions indicated that Senator Ngo brought the usual crowd of supporters with him. A. Wilkinson Leader of the Opposition, Lib.) did not tie his recognition to the war. Dix's statement was probably written by Senator Ngo -- completely tied everything to the war but claimed to be recognizing the community.


[Cite] Government: Are provincial politicians doing what they appear to be doing?

[Cite] Open: Fact check on Adrian Dix


Thanh Hai Ngo (C)

Item last updated: 2020-09-27